How much damage can termites do?
lf left untreated termites have the potential to effectively destroy the structural integrity of a home. More commonly, they may eat out door frames, skirting boards, roofing timbers and timber floors. The damage bills can amount to anything from a few hundred dollars to many thousands of dollars.
What type of termite treatment is best for my home?
There are traditional chemical applications, using non-odour products such as Termidor, Premise, Maxxthor and Biflex. Or alternatively there are non-intrusive baiting systems such as Exterra and Nemesis. Termite treatments installed depend on building design and where termites are entering the building.
Can I kill termites with treatments such as fly spray?
No, it is important not to disturb termites where they are active. Disturbing termites makes it more difficult to treat professionally.
How long does the termite treatment take?
One day for an average size home. There is no need to vacate the home over night with the new termite treatment, chemicals like Premise and Termidor. Please contact the friendly staff at Termite Technology for more information, service or expert advice.
I have found termites what should I do?
lf you discover termites, you should not attempt to get rid of them yourself. If termites are disturbed they will back track their activity to another area of the house. Please contact the friendly staff at Termite Technology for more information, service or expert advice.
How do I know if I have termites?
Most home owners only find out they have termite damage when the damage is severe and their foot goes through the floor or a door falls off its jamb. The short answer, particularly if you live in a termite susceptible area, is to have the home inspected by a termite technician every 12 months.
How often should a termite inspection be done?
Whether a house has a prevention treatment installed or not inspections should not exceed for a 12 month period. inspections should be done more often if the building is in a high risk area. Please contact the friendly staff at Termite Technology for more information, service or expert advice.